Title: | Test and Item Analysis via Shiny |
Description: | Package including functions and interactive shiny application for the psychometric analysis of educational tests, psychological assessments, health-related and other types of multi-item measurements, or ratings from multiple raters. |
Authors: | Patricia Martinkova [aut, cre], Adela Hladka [aut], Jan Netik [aut], Ondrej Leder [ctb], Jakub Houdek [ctb], Lubomir Stepanek [ctb], Tomas Jurica [ctb], Jana Vorlickova [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Patricia Martinkova <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.5.4 |
Built: | 2025-03-12 06:19:39 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/patriciamar/shinyitemanalysis |
The ShinyItemAnalysis
package contains an interactive Shiny
application for the psychometric analysis of educational tests, psychological
assessments, health-related and other types of multi-item measurements, or
ratings from multiple raters, which can be accessed using function
. The shiny application covers a broad range of
psychometric methods and offers data examples, model equations, parameter
estimates, interpretation of results, together with a selected R code, and is
therefore suitable for teaching psychometric concepts with R. It also allows
the users to upload and analyze their own data and to automatically generate
analysis reports in PDF or HTML.
Besides, the package provides its own functions for test and item analysis
within classical test theory framework (e.g., functions gDiscrim()
, DistractorAnalysis()
, or DDplot()
), using various
regression models (e.g., plotCumulative()
, plotAdjacent()
, or plotDIFLogistic()
), and under IRT framework (e.g.,
, or plotDIFirt()
Package also contains several demonstration datasets including the HCI
dataset from the book by Martinkova and Hladka (2023), and from paper
by Martinkova and Drabinova (2018).
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech
Academy of Sciences
Faculty of Education, Charles University
[email protected]
Adela Hladka (nee Drabinova)
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech
Academy of Sciences
Jan Netik
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of
Martinkova, P., & Hladka, A. (2023). Computational Aspects of Psychometric Methods: With R. Chapman and Hall/CRC. doi:10.1201/9781003054313
Martinkova, P., & Drabinova, A. (2018). ShinyItemAnalysis for teaching psychometrics and to enforce routine analysis of educational tests. The R Journal, 10(2), 503–515, doi:10.32614/RJ-2018-074
Useful links:
Report bugs at https://github.com/patriciamar/ShinyItemAnalysis/issues
dataset (Gallo, 2020) comes from the scientific peer review
facilitated by the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) of
biomedical applications from and intramural collaborative biomedical research
program for 2014–2017. For each proposal, three assigned individual
reviewers were asked to provide scores and commentary for the following
application criteria: Innovation, Approach/Feasibility, Investigator, and
Significance (Impact added as scored criterion in 2014). Each of these
criteria is scored on a scale from 1.0 (best) to 5.0 (worst) with a 0.1
gradation, as well as an overall score (1.0–5.0 with a 0.1 gradation).
Asynchronous discussion was allowed, although few scores changed
post-discussion. The data includes reviewers' self-reported expertise scores
(1/2/3, 1 is high expertise) relative to each proposal reviewed, and reviewer
/ principal investigator demographics. A total of 72 applications ("Standard"
or "Pilot") were reviewed in 3 review cycles. The success rate was 34–38 %.
Application scores indicate where each application falls among all
practically possible applications in comparison with the ideal standard of
quality from a perfect application. The dataset was used by Erosheva et al.
(2021a) to demonstrate issues of inter-rater reliability in case of
restricted samples. For details, see Erosheva et al. (2021b).
is a data.frame
consisting of 216 observations on
25 variables. Data describes 72 proposals with 3 ratings each.
Proposal ID.
Year of the review.
Proposal type; "Standard"
or "Pilot"
Anonymized ID of principal investigator (PI).
PI's organization type.
PI's gender membership; "1"
females, "2"
PI's rank; "3"
full professor, "1"
assistant professor.
PI's degree; "1"
PhD, "2"
MD, "3"
Innovation score.
Approach score.
Investigator score.
Significance score.
Impact score.
Scientific merit (overall) score.
Average of the three overall scores from three different reviewers.
Average of the three overall scores from three different reviewers, increased by multiple of 0.001 of the worst score.
Project rank calculated based on ScoreAvg
Project rank calculated based on ScoreAvgAdj
Reviewer's ID.
Reviewer's experience.
Reviewer's institution; "1"
academia, "2"
Reviewer's gender; "1"
females, "2"
Reviewer's rank; "3"
full professor, "1"
assistant professor.
Reviewer's degree; "1"
PhD, "2"
MD, "3"
Reviewer code ("A"
, "B"
, "C"
) in the original wide dataset.
Stephen Gallo
American Institute of Biological Sciences
Gallo, S. (2021). Grant peer review scoring data with criteria scores. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.12728087
Erosheva, E., Martinkova, P., & Lee, C. (2021a). When zero may not be zero: A cautionary note on the use of inter-rater reliability in evaluating grant peer review. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series A. doi:10.1111/rssa.12681
Erosheva, E., Martinkova, P., & Lee, C. (2021b). Supplementary material: When zero may not be zero: A cautionary note on the use of inter-rater reliability in evaluating grant peer review. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/KNPH8
The data contains responses from 766 people sampled from a general population to the PROMIS Anxiety scale (http://www.nihpromis.org) composed of 29 Likert-type questions with a common rating scale (1 = Never, 2 = Rarely, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = Often, and 5 = Always).
A data frame with 766 observations on the following 32 variables.
0 = younger than 65 and 1 = 65 and older
0 = Male and 1 = Female
0 = some college or higher and 1 = high school or lower
I felt fearful
I felt frightened
It scared me when I felt nervous
I felt anxious
I felt like I needed help for my anxiety
I was concerned about my mental health
I felt upset
I had a racing or pounding heart
I was anxious if my normal routine was disturbed
I had sudden feelings of panic
I was easily startled
I had trouble paying attention
I avoided public places or activities
I felt fidgety
I felt something awful would happen
I felt worried
I felt terrified
I worried about other people's reactions to me
I found it hard to focus on anything other than my anxiety
My worries overwhelmed me
I had twitching or trembling muscles
I felt nervous
I felt indecisive
Many situations made me worry
I had difficulty sleeping
I had trouble relaxing
I felt uneasy
I felt tense
I had difficulty calming down
Total score.
Standardized total score.
Reexport from lordif
package; http://www.nihpromis.org
PROMIS Cooperative Group. Unpublished Manual for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Version 1.1. October, 2008: http://www.nihpromis.org
Dataset from Kolek et al. (2021) study investigating a video game's effects on implicit and explicit attitudes towards depicted historical events in the short- and long-term. As an intervention tool, a serious game Czechoslovakia 38–89: Borderlands was utilized that deals with the expulsion of the Sudeten Germans from the former Czechoslovakia after the WWII. Data consists responses from 145 adults from two groups (experimental and control group) on number of multi-item measurements.
A data.frame with 145 rows and 239 variables:
anonymous identifier
C = control or E = experimental group
factor, male
or female
integer, 1 = female
effect of Merkel speech between the posttest and the delayed posttest, range 0–5, where 0 stands for no effect, 5 for very significant effect
factor, N = not originally from Czech Borderlands; Y = originally from Czech Borderlands
factor, V = university; S = high school; Z = elementary school
integer, same as above, but coded as 3= university; 2= high school; 1= elementary school, meaning higher the number, higher the education
total PANAS score of positive and negative affect scales
total PANAS score of positive affect scale
total PANAS score of negative affect scale
Macro attitude measurement
Micro attitude measurement
Single-Category Implicit association test score
Items beginning with an asterisk have following prefixes in the actual dataset:
immediate posttest
one month delayed posttest
difference between posttest_pretest
difference between delayed posttest and posttest
Kolek, L., Šisler, V., Martinková, P., & Brom, C. (2021). Can video games change attitudes towards history? Results from a laboratory experiment measuring short- and long-term effects. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 1–22. doi:10.1111/jcal.12575
dataset (Hřebíčková et al., 2020) consists of responses of
males) to Big Five Inventory 2 (BFI-2). It contains 60 ordinal items, vector
of age, education, and vector of gender membership.
is a data.frame
consisting of
observations on 64 variables.
The BFI items, scored on Likert scale where
= Disagree strongly,
= Disagree a little,
= Neutral; no opinion,
= Agree a little, and
= Agree strongly.
Some items were recoded so that all items are scored in the same direction, see Details.
Gender membership, 0
= females, 1
= males.
Age in years.
= Basic school,
= Secondary technical school,
= Secondary general school,
= Other secondary school,
= Tertiary professional school,
= Bachelor degree,
= Masters degree,
= PhD
The items prefixed with i
are item scores. Items are indicators of 5 latent
personality factors/dimensions/domains, which are further broken down into
so-called facets. The 5 personality domains are: N = Negative Emotionality, E
= Extraversion, O = Open-Mindedness, C = Consciousness and A = Agreeability.
These are further broken down into so-called facets, as shown in the
following table:
Domain | Facet | Item numbers |
E | Sociability (scb) | 1, 16, 31, 46 |
E | Assertiveness (asr) | 6, 21, 36, 51 |
E | Energy Level (enl) | 11, 26, 41, 56 |
A | Compassion (cmp) | 2, 17, 32, 47 |
A | Respectfulness (rsp) | 7, 22, 37, 52 |
A | Trust (trs) | 12, 27, 42, 57 |
C | Organization (org) | 3, 18, 33, 48 |
C | Productiveness (prd) | 8, 23, 38, 53 |
C | Responsibility (rsp) | 13, 28, 43, 58 |
N | Anxiety (anx) | 4, 19, 34, 49 |
N | Depression (dep) | 9, 24, 39, 54 |
N | Emotional Volatility (emt) | 14, 29, 44, 59 |
O | Intellectual Curiosity (int) | 10, 25, 40, 55 |
O | Aesthetic Sensitivity (aes) | 5, 20, 35, 50 |
O | Creative Imagination (crt) | 15, 30, 45, 60 |
In the original instrument, some items are inversely oriented, i.e., the
higher score means the lower latent trait. This was the case of items number
3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36, 37,
42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 55, and 58. These items have been recoded
for you, i.e., displayed is value of 6 - original score
In the sample code, alternative item names are provided. These item names
can be used to decode the item domain, facet, item number, and
whether it was recoded or not. For example, iCorg03r
stands for recoded 3rd
item (out of 60) from Consciousness domain and Organization facet.
Thanks to Martina Hřebíčková for sharing this dataset.
Hřebíčková, M., Jelínek, M., Květon,P., Benkovič, A., Botek, M., Sudzina, F. Soto, Ch., John, O. (2020). Big Five Inventory 2 (BFI-2): Hierarchický model s 15 subškálami [Big Five Inventory 2 (BFI-2): Hierarchical model with 15 subscales, in Czech]. Československá psychologie, 64, 437–460.
Soto, C. J., & John, O. P. (2017). The next Big Five Inventory (BFI-2): Developing and assessing a hierarchical model with 15 facets to enhance bandwidth, fidelity, and predictive power. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 113, 117–143.
colnames(BFI2)[1:60] <- c( "iEscb01", "iAcmp02", "iCorg03r", "iNanx04r", "iOaes05r", "iEasr06", "iArsp07", "iCprd08r", "iNdep09r", "iOint10", "iEenl11r", "iAtrs12r", "iCrsp13", "iNemt14", "iOcrt15", "iEscb16r", "iAcmp17r", "iCorg18", "iNanx19", "iOaes20", "iEasr21", "iArsp22r", "iCprd23r", "iNdep24r", "iOint25r", "iEenl26r", "iAtrs27", "iCrsp28r", "iNemt29r", "iOcrt30r", "iEscb31r", "iAcmp32", "iCorg33", "iNanx34", "iOaes35", "iEasr36r", "iArsp37r", "iCprd38", "iNdep39", "iOint40", "iEenl41", "iAtrs42r", "iCrsp43", "iNemt44r", "iOcrt45r", "iEscb46", "iAcmp47r", "iCorg48r", "iNanx49r", "iOaes50r", "iEasr51r", "iArsp52", "iCprd53", "iNdep54", "iOint55r", "iEenl56", "iAtrs57", "iCrsp58r", "iNemt59", "iOcrt60" )
colnames(BFI2)[1:60] <- c( "iEscb01", "iAcmp02", "iCorg03r", "iNanx04r", "iOaes05r", "iEasr06", "iArsp07", "iCprd08r", "iNdep09r", "iOint10", "iEenl11r", "iAtrs12r", "iCrsp13", "iNemt14", "iOcrt15", "iEscb16r", "iAcmp17r", "iCorg18", "iNanx19", "iOaes20", "iEasr21", "iArsp22r", "iCprd23r", "iNdep24r", "iOint25r", "iEenl26r", "iAtrs27", "iCrsp28r", "iNemt29r", "iOcrt30r", "iEscb31r", "iAcmp32", "iCorg33", "iNanx34", "iOaes35", "iEasr36r", "iArsp37r", "iCprd38", "iNdep39", "iOint40", "iEenl41", "iAtrs42r", "iCrsp43", "iNemt44r", "iOcrt45r", "iEscb46", "iAcmp47r", "iCorg48r", "iNanx49r", "iOaes50r", "iEasr51r", "iArsp52", "iCprd53", "iNdep54", "iOint55r", "iEenl56", "iAtrs57", "iCrsp58r", "iNemt59", "iOcrt60" )
Extends mirt
's SingleGroupClass
directly (meaning all mirt
methods that
work with that class will work with BlisClass too; make sure mirt
The purpose of the class is to have a custom coef
method (see
coef,BlisClass-method) dispatched and the original levels with correct
response (as a key
attribute) stored in the resulting fitted model.
list of original levels with logical attribute key
which stores the information on which response (level) has been considered
as correct. Note that levels not used in the original data are dropped.
Other BLIS/BLIRT related:
dataset consists of the dichotomously scored responses of 2,634 students
(1,324 boys, 1,310 girls) on 19 multiple-choice items in a test of reading
skills, version B, taken in the 6th grade. Item responses were dichotomized: 1
point was awarded only if the answer was fully correct and 0 if it was not
(Greger, Straková, & Martinková, 2022; Martinková, Hladká, & Potužníková, 2020;
Hladká, Martinková, & Magis, 2023)
is a data.frame
consisting of 2,634 observations on
the 20 variables.
Dichotomously scored items of the test on reading skills.
Gender membership, "0"
boys, "1"
Hladká, A., Martinková, P., & Magis, D. (2023). Combining item purification and multiple comparison adjustment methods in detection of differential item functioning. Multivariate Behavioral Research, In Press.
Greger, D., Straková, J., & Martinková, P. (2022). Extending the ILSA study design to a longitudinal design. TIMSS & PIRLS extension in the Czech Republic: CLoSE study. In T. Nilsen, A. Stancel-Piatak, & J.-E. Gustafsson (Eds.), Springer international handbooks of education. International handbook of comparative large-scale studies in education: Perspectives, methods and findings. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-38298-8_31-1
Martinková, P., Hladká, A., & Potužníková, E. (2020). Is academic tracking related to gains in learning competence? Using propensity score matching and differential item change functioning analysis for better understanding of tracking implications. Learning and Instruction, 66, 101286. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2019.101286
Extracts item parameters from fitted BLIS model. For BLIRT parametrization,
use IRTpars = TRUE
in your function call. Contrary to
mirt::coef,SingleGroupClass-method, response category labels can be displayed in
the output using labels = TRUE
. On top of that, as BLIS/BLIRT
parametrizations utilize the information of correct response category, you
can denote these in the output with mark_correct = TRUE
## S4 method for signature 'BlisClass' coef( object, ..., CI = 0.95, printSE = FALSE, IRTpars = FALSE, simplify = FALSE, labels = FALSE, mark_correct = labels )
## S4 method for signature 'BlisClass' coef( object, ..., CI = 0.95, printSE = FALSE, IRTpars = FALSE, simplify = FALSE, labels = FALSE, mark_correct = labels )
object |
object of class BlisClass, model fitted via
... |
Additional arguments. Not utilized at the moment. |
CI |
numeric, a width of the confidence intervals. |
printSE |
logical, print standard errors instead of CI? Defaults to
IRTpars |
logical, convert slope intercept parameters into IRT
parameters (i.e. BLIRT)? Defaults to |
simplify |
logical, return coefficients as a matrix, instead of list?
Defaults to |
labels |
logical, if |
mark_correct |
logical, mark the correct response with an asterisk
symbol. Applicable only if |
List of item coefficients of S3 class blis_coefs
, so the resulting
output of coef()
call is formatted to display only first 3 digits (you
can opt for different rounding via the print.blis_coefs method, see the
examples). Note that the list-object returned invisibly has the raw
coefficients stored in it.
Other BLIS/BLIRT related:
fitted_blis <- fit_blis(HCItest[, 1:20], HCIkey) # BLIS coefs coef(fitted_blis) # BLIRT coefs coef(fitted_blis, IRTpars = TRUE) # store raw coefs blis_coefs <- coef(fitted_blis) # print coefs rounded to 2 digits print(blis_coefs, digits = 2)
fitted_blis <- fit_blis(HCItest[, 1:20], HCIkey) # BLIS coefs coef(fitted_blis) # BLIRT coefs coef(fitted_blis, IRTpars = TRUE) # store raw coefs blis_coefs <- coef(fitted_blis) # print coefs rounded to 2 digits print(blis_coefs, digits = 2)
The CZmatura
dataset comes from matura exam in
mathematics. The exam was assigned in 2019 to students from Grade 13, at
the end of their secondary education. Original data available from
is a data.frame
consisting of 15,702 observations on
75 variables.
School type code.
First attempt; "1"
yes, "0"
School type gymnasium; "1"
yes, "0"
Item answers.
Scored item answers.
Total score, calculated as sum of item scores (0 - 50).
Score estimated from GPCM/2PL model.
SE of score estimated from GPCM/2PL model.
The CZmaturaS
dataset comes from a matura exam in
mathematics. The exam was assigned in 2019 to students in Grade 13, at the end of
their secondary education. This is a random sample of 2,000 students from a
total of 15,702. Original data available from
is a data.frame
consisting of 2,000
observations on 75 variables.
School type code.
First attempt; "1"
yes, "0"
School type gymnasium; "1"
yes, "0"
Item answers.
Scored item answers.
Total score, calculated as sum of item scores (0 - 50).
Score estimated from GPCM/2PL model.
SE of score estimated from GPCM/2PL model.
The dataMedical
dataset consists of the responses of 2,392 subjects (750
males, 1,633 females and 9 subjects without gender specification) to
admission test to a medical school. It contains 100 items. A correct answer
is coded as "1"
and incorrect answer as "0"
. Missing answers were
evaluated as incorrect, i.e. "0"
A dataMedical
is a data.frame
consisting of 2,392 observations on
the following 102 variables.
The first 100 columns represent dichotomously scored items of the test.
Variable describing gender; values "0"
and "1"
refer to
males and females.
Criterion variable; value "1"
means that student
studies standardly, "0"
otherwise (e.g., leaving or interrupting studies).
Stuka, C., Vejrazka, M., Martinkova, P., Komenda, M., & Stepanek, L. (2016). The use of test and item analysis for improvement of tests. Workshop held at conference MEFANET, 2016, Brno, Czech Republic.
Martinkova, P., & Drabinova, A. (2018). ShinyItemAnalysis for teaching psychometrics and to enforce routine analysis of educational tests. The R Journal, 10(2), 503–515, doi:10.32614/RJ-2018-074
, dataMedicalkey()
, dataMedicalgraded()
The dataMedicalgraded
dataset consists of the responses of 2,392 subjects
(750 males, 1,633 females and 9 subjects without gender specification) to
multiple-choice admission test to a medical school. It contains 100 items.
Each item is graded with 0 to 4 points. Maximum of 4 points were set if all
correct answers and none of incorrect answers were selected.
A dataMedicalgraded
is a data.frame
consisting of 2,392
observations on the following 102 variables.
The first 100 columns represent ordinal item scores of the test.
Variable describing gender; values "0"
and "1"
refer to
males and females.
Criterion variable; value "1"
means that student
studies standardly, "0"
otherwise (e.g., leaving or interrupting studies).
Stuka, C., Vejrazka, M., Martinkova, P., Komenda, M., & Stepanek, L. (2016). The use of test and item analysis for improvement of tests. Workshop held at conference MEFANET, 2016, Brno, Czech Republic.
Martinkova, P., & Drabinova, A. (2018). ShinyItemAnalysis for teaching psychometrics and to enforce routine analysis of educational tests. The R Journal, 10(2), 503–515, doi:10.32614/RJ-2018-074
, dataMedicaltest()
, dataMedicalkey()
The dataMedicalkey
is a vector of factors representing
correct answers of dataMedicaltest
A vector with 100 values representing correct answers to items of
dataset. For more details see
Stuka, C., Vejrazka, M., Martinkova, P., Komenda, M., & Stepanek, L. (2016). The use of test and item analysis for improvement of tests. Workshop held at conference MEFANET, 2016, Brno, Czech Republic.
Martinkova, P., & Drabinova, A. (2018). ShinyItemAnalysis for teaching psychometrics and to enforce routine analysis of educational tests. The R Journal, 10(2), 503–515, doi:10.32614/RJ-2018-074
, dataMedicaltest()
The dataMedicaltest
dataset consists of the responses of
2,392 subjects (750 males, 1,633 females and 9 subjects without gender
specification) to multiple-choice admission test to a medical school. It
contains 100 items, possible answers were A, B, C, D, while any combination
of these can be correct.
A dataMedicaltest
is a data.frame
consisting of 2,392
observations on the following 102 variables.
The first 100 columns represent items answers.
Variable describing gender; values "0"
and "1"
refer to
males and females.
Criterion variable; value "1"
means that student
studies standardly, "0"
otherwise (e.g., leaving or interrupting studies).
Stuka, C., Vejrazka, M., Martinkova, P., Komenda, M., & Stepanek, L. (2016). The use of test and item analysis for improvement of tests. Workshop held at conference MEFANET, 2016, Brno, Czech Republic.
Martinkova, P., & Drabinova, A. (2018). ShinyItemAnalysis for teaching psychometrics and to enforce routine analysis of educational tests. The R Journal, 10(2), 503–515, doi:10.32614/RJ-2018-074
, dataMedicalkey()
Plots difficulty and (generalized) discrimination or criterion validity for items of the multi-item measurement test using the ggplot2 package. Difficulty and discrimination/validity indices are plotted for each item, items are ordered by their difficulty.
DDplot( Data, item.names, discrim = "ULI", k = 3, l = 1, u = 3, maxscore, minscore, bin = FALSE, cutscore, average.score = FALSE, thr = 0.2, criterion = "none", val_type = "simple", data )
DDplot( Data, item.names, discrim = "ULI", k = 3, l = 1, u = 3, maxscore, minscore, bin = FALSE, cutscore, average.score = FALSE, thr = 0.2, criterion = "none", val_type = "simple", data )
Data |
numeric: binary or ordinal data |
item.names |
character: the names of items. If not specified, the names
of |
discrim |
character: type of discrimination index to be calculated.
Possible values are |
k |
numeric: number of groups to which data may be divided by the total
score to estimate discrimination using |
l |
numeric: lower group. Default value is 1. See Details. |
u |
numeric: upper group. Default value is 3. See Details. |
maxscore |
numeric: maximal scores of items. If single number is provided, the same maximal score is used for all items. If missing, vector of achieved maximal scores is calculated and used in calculations. |
minscore |
numeric: minimal scores of items. If single number is provided, the same maximal score is used for all items. If missing, vector of achieved maximal scores is calculated and used in calculations. |
bin |
logical: should the ordinal data be binarized? Default value is
cutscore |
numeric: cut-score used to binarize |
average.score |
logical: should average score of the item be displayed
instead of difficulty? Default value is |
thr |
numeric: value of discrimination threshold. Default value is 0.2.
With |
criterion |
numeric or logical vector: values of criterion. If supplied,
val_type |
character: criterion validity measure. Possible values are
data |
deprecated. Use argument |
Discrimination is calculated using method specified in discrim
. Default
option "ULI"
calculates difference in ratio of correct answers in upper and
lower third of students. "RIT"
index calculates correlation between item
score and test total score. "RIR"
index calculates correlation between item
score and total score for the rest of the items. With option "none"
, only
difficulty is displayed.
index can be generalized using arguments k
, l
and u
Generalized ULI discrimination is then computed as follows: The function
takes data on individuals, computes their total test score and then divides
individuals into k
groups. The lower and upper group are determined by l
and u
parameters, i.e. l-th and u-th group where the ordering is defined
by increasing total score.
For ordinal data, difficulty is defined as a relative score:
(achieved - minimal)/(maximal - minimal)
Minimal score can be specified by
, maximal score can be specified by maxscore
. Average score of
items can be displayed with argument average.score = TRUE
. Note that for
binary data difficulty estimate is the same as average score of the item.
Note that all correlations are estimated using Pearson correlation coefficient.
Adela Hladka
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Lubomir Stepanek
Charles University
Jana Vorlickova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Allen, M. J., & Yen, W. M. (1979). Introduction to measurement theory. Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Martinkova, P., Stepanek, L., Drabinova, A., Houdek, J., Vejrazka, M., & Stuka, C. (2017). Semi-real-time analyses of item characteristics for medical school admission tests. In: Proceedings of the 2017 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems.
for calculation of generalized ULI ggplot2::ggplot()
for general function to plot a "ggplot"
# binary dataset dataBin <- dataMedical[, 1:100] # ordinal dataset dataOrd <- dataMedicalgraded[, 1:100] # DDplot of binary dataset DDplot(dataBin) ## Not run: # DDplot of binary dataset without threshold DDplot(dataBin, thr = NULL) # compared to DDplot using ordinal dataset and 'bin = TRUE' DDplot(dataOrd, bin = TRUE) # compared to binarized dataset using bin = TRUE and cut-score equal to 3 DDplot(dataOrd, bin = TRUE, cutscore = 3) # DDplot of binary data using generalized ULI # discrimination based on 5 groups, comparing 4th and 5th # threshold lowered to 0.1 DDplot(dataBin, k = 5, l = 4, u = 5, thr = 0.1) # DDplot of ordinal dataset using ULI DDplot(dataOrd) # DDplot of ordinal dataset using generalized ULI # discrimination based on 5 groups, comparing 4th and 5th # threshold lowered to 0.1 DDplot(dataOrd, k = 5, l = 4, u = 5, thr = 0.1) # DDplot of ordinal dataset using RIT DDplot(dataOrd, discrim = "RIT") # DDplot of ordinal dataset using RIR DDplot(dataOrd, discrim = "RIR") # DDplot of ordinal dataset displaying only difficulty DDplot(dataBin, discrim = "none") # DDplot of ordinal dataset displaying difficulty estimates DDplot(dataOrd) # DDplot of ordinal dataset displaying average item scores DDplot(dataOrd, average.score = TRUE) # item difficulty / criterion validity plot for data with criterion data(GMAT, package = "difNLR") DDplot(GMAT[, 1:20], criterion = GMAT$criterion, val_type = "simple") ## End(Not run)
# binary dataset dataBin <- dataMedical[, 1:100] # ordinal dataset dataOrd <- dataMedicalgraded[, 1:100] # DDplot of binary dataset DDplot(dataBin) ## Not run: # DDplot of binary dataset without threshold DDplot(dataBin, thr = NULL) # compared to DDplot using ordinal dataset and 'bin = TRUE' DDplot(dataOrd, bin = TRUE) # compared to binarized dataset using bin = TRUE and cut-score equal to 3 DDplot(dataOrd, bin = TRUE, cutscore = 3) # DDplot of binary data using generalized ULI # discrimination based on 5 groups, comparing 4th and 5th # threshold lowered to 0.1 DDplot(dataBin, k = 5, l = 4, u = 5, thr = 0.1) # DDplot of ordinal dataset using ULI DDplot(dataOrd) # DDplot of ordinal dataset using generalized ULI # discrimination based on 5 groups, comparing 4th and 5th # threshold lowered to 0.1 DDplot(dataOrd, k = 5, l = 4, u = 5, thr = 0.1) # DDplot of ordinal dataset using RIT DDplot(dataOrd, discrim = "RIT") # DDplot of ordinal dataset using RIR DDplot(dataOrd, discrim = "RIR") # DDplot of ordinal dataset displaying only difficulty DDplot(dataBin, discrim = "none") # DDplot of ordinal dataset displaying difficulty estimates DDplot(dataOrd) # DDplot of ordinal dataset displaying average item scores DDplot(dataOrd, average.score = TRUE) # item difficulty / criterion validity plot for data with criterion data(GMAT, package = "difNLR") DDplot(GMAT[, 1:20], criterion = GMAT$criterion, val_type = "simple") ## End(Not run)
Performs distractor analysis for each item and optional number of groups.
DistractorAnalysis( Data, key, item = "all", p.table = FALSE, num.groups = 3, criterion = NULL, crit.discrete = FALSE, cut.points, data, matching, match.discrete )
DistractorAnalysis( Data, key, item = "all", p.table = FALSE, num.groups = 3, criterion = NULL, crit.discrete = FALSE, cut.points, data, matching, match.discrete )
Data |
character: data matrix or data.frame with rows representing unscored item responses from a multiple-choice test and columns corresponding to the items. |
key |
character: answer key for the items. The |
item |
numeric or character: either character |
p.table |
logical: should the function return the proportions?
If |
num.groups |
numeric: number of groups to which are the respondents split. |
criterion |
numeric: numeric vector. If not provided, total score is calculated and distractor analysis is performed based on it. |
crit.discrete |
logical: is |
cut.points |
numeric: numeric vector specifying cut points of
data |
deprecated. Use argument |
matching |
deprecated. Use argument |
match.discrete |
deprecated. Use argument |
This function is an adapted version of the
function from CTT package. In
case that no criterion
is provided, the scores are calculated
using the item Data
and key
. The respondents are by default
split into the num.groups
-quantiles and the number (or
proportion) of respondents in each quantile is reported with
respect to their answers. In case that criterion
is discrete
(crit.discrete = TRUE
), criterion
is split based on its
unique levels. Other cut points can be specified via cut.points
Adela Hladka
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Data <- dataMedicaltest[, 1:100] Databin <- dataMedical[, 1:100] key <- dataMedicalkey # distractor analysis for all items DistractorAnalysis(Data, key) # distractor analysis for item 1 DistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = 1) ## Not run: # distractor analysis with proportions DistractorAnalysis(Data, key, p.table = TRUE) # distractor analysis for 6 groups DistractorAnalysis(Data, key, num.group = 6) # distractor analysis using specified criterion criterion <- round(rowSums(Databin), -1) DistractorAnalysis(Data, key, criterion = criterion) # distractor analysis using discrete criterion DistractorAnalysis(Data, key, criterion = criterion, crit.discrete = TRUE) # distractor analysis using groups specified by cut.points DistractorAnalysis(Data, key, cut.points = seq(10, 96, 10)) ## End(Not run)
Data <- dataMedicaltest[, 1:100] Databin <- dataMedical[, 1:100] key <- dataMedicalkey # distractor analysis for all items DistractorAnalysis(Data, key) # distractor analysis for item 1 DistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = 1) ## Not run: # distractor analysis with proportions DistractorAnalysis(Data, key, p.table = TRUE) # distractor analysis for 6 groups DistractorAnalysis(Data, key, num.group = 6) # distractor analysis using specified criterion criterion <- round(rowSums(Databin), -1) DistractorAnalysis(Data, key, criterion = criterion) # distractor analysis using discrete criterion DistractorAnalysis(Data, key, criterion = criterion, crit.discrete = TRUE) # distractor analysis using groups specified by cut.points DistractorAnalysis(Data, key, cut.points = seq(10, 96, 10)) ## End(Not run)
The data came from a published study and was kindly provided by Dr. Ferrando. A group of 1,033 undergraduate students were asked to check on a 112 mm line segment with two end points (almost never, almost always) using their own judgement for the five items taken from the Spanish version of the EPI-A impulsivity subscale. The direct item score was the distance in mm of the check mark from the left end point (Ferrando, 2002).
A data frame with 1033 observations on the following 5 variables. The sixth variable is a total score (i.e. the sum of the items).
Item 1
Longs for excitement
Item 2
Does not stop and think things over before doing anything
Item 3
Often shouts back when shouted at
Item 4
Likes doing things in which he/she has to act quickly
Item 5
Tends to do many things at the same time
Total score for the aforementioned items
Reexport from EstCRM
package with added total scores.
Ferrando, P. J. (2002). Theoretical and Empirical Comparison between Two Models for Continuous Item Responses. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 37(4), 521–542.
Zopluoglu C (2022). EstCRM: Calibrating Parameters for the Samejima's Continuous IRT Model. R package version 1.5, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=EstCRM.
Computes the eigenvalues of the sample correlation matrix and the eigenvalues obtained from a random correlation matrix for which no factors/components are assumed. By default, the function utilizes a modified Horn's (1965) method, which – instead of mean – uses 95th percentile of each item eigenvalues sampling distribution as a threshold to find the optimal number of factors/components.
fa_parallel( Data, cor = "pearson", n_obs = NULL, method = "pca", threshold = "quantile", p = 0.95, n_iter = 20, plot = TRUE, show_kaiser = TRUE, fm = "minres", use = "pairwise", ... )
fa_parallel( Data, cor = "pearson", n_obs = NULL, method = "pca", threshold = "quantile", p = 0.95, n_iter = 20, plot = TRUE, show_kaiser = TRUE, fm = "minres", use = "pairwise", ... )
Data |
data.frame or matrix, dataset (where rows are observations and columns items) or correlation matrix (recognized automatically). |
cor |
character, how to calculate the correlation matrix of the
real data. Can be either |
n_obs |
integer, in case you provided the correlation matrix directly as the input, you have to provide the number of observations in the original dataset. |
method |
character, either |
threshold |
character, whether to use traditionall Horn's method
or more recent and well-performing quantile one. Either |
p |
numeric (0–1), probability for which the sample quantile is
produced. Defaults to |
n_iter |
integer, number of iterations, i.e. the number of
zero-factor multivariate normal distributions to sample. Defaults to
plot |
logical, if |
show_kaiser |
logical, whether to show Kaiser boundary in the plot (the default) or not. |
fm |
character, factoring method. See |
use |
an optional character string giving a method for computing covariances in the presence of missing values. This must be (an abbreviation of) one of the strings "everything", "all.obs", "complete.obs", "na.or.complete", or "pairwise.complete.obs". |
... |
Arguments passed on to
Horn proposed a solution to the problem of optimal factor number identification using an approach based on a Monte Carlo simulation.
First, several (20 by default) zero-factor p
-variate normal
distributions (where p
is the number of columns) are obtained, and
× p
correlation matrices are computed for them. Eigenvalues
of each matrix is then calculated in order to get an eigenvalues sampling
distribution for each simulated variable.
Traditionally, Horn obtains an average of each sampling distribution and these averages are used as a threshold which is compared with eigenvalues of the original, real data. However, usage of the mean was later disputed by Buja & Eyuboglu (1992), and 95th percentile of eigenvalues sampling distribution was suggested as a more accurate threshold. This, more recent method is used by default in the function.
An object of class data.frame
and sia_parallel
. Can be
plotted using plot()
Jan Netik
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Horn, J. L. (1965). A rationale and test for the number of factors in factor analysis. Psychometrika, 30, 179–185. doi:10.1007/BF02289447
Buja, A., & Eyuboglu, N. (1992). Remarks on parallel analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 27, 509–540. doi:10.1207/s15327906mbr2704_2
fa_parallel(TestAnxietyCor, n_obs = 335, method = "pca") ## Not run: data("bfi", package = "psych") items <- bfi[, 1:25] fa_parallel(items) fa_parallel(items, threshold = "mean") # traditional Horn's method ## End(Not run)
fa_parallel(TestAnxietyCor, n_obs = 335, method = "pca") ## Not run: data("bfi", package = "psych") items <- bfi[, 1:25] fa_parallel(items) fa_parallel(items, threshold = "mean") # traditional Horn's method ## End(Not run)
fits the IRT Nominal Response Model to data from multiple-choice tests,
while accounting for the correct answer and treating this option as a baseline
in this baseline-category logit model. The intercept-slope parametrization in
BLIS can be converted to IRT (difficulty-discrimination) parametrization (BLIRT).
fit_blis(Data, key, ...) blis(Data, key, ...)
fit_blis(Data, key, ...) blis(Data, key, ...)
Data |
data.frame or tibble with all columns being factors. Support for matrix is limited and behavior not guaranteed. |
key |
A single-column |
... |
Arguments passed on to
For the details on coef
method dispatched for fitted BLIS model, see
coef,BlisClass-method. To get more on the class, see BlisClass.
Fitted model of class BlisClass (extending standard mirt
Jan Netik
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of
[email protected]
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy
of Sciences
[email protected]
Other BLIS/BLIRT related:
fitted_blis <- fit_blis(HCItest[, 1:20], HCIkey, SE = TRUE) coef(fitted_blis) coef(fitted_blis)$`Item 12` coef(fitted_blis, IRTpars = TRUE) coef(fitted_blis, IRTpars = TRUE, CI = 0.90) # 90% CI instead of 95% CI coef(fitted_blis, IRTpars = TRUE, printSE = TRUE) # SE instead of CI
fitted_blis <- fit_blis(HCItest[, 1:20], HCIkey, SE = TRUE) coef(fitted_blis) coef(fitted_blis)$`Item 12` coef(fitted_blis, IRTpars = TRUE) coef(fitted_blis, IRTpars = TRUE, CI = 0.90) # 90% CI instead of 95% CI coef(fitted_blis, IRTpars = TRUE, printSE = TRUE) # SE instead of CI
Generalized version of discrimination index ULI. The function enumerates the
ability of an item to distinguish between individuals from upper (U) vs.
lower (L) ability groups, i.e. between respondents with high vs. low overall
score on the test. Number of groups, as well as upper and lower groups can be
specified by user. You can also manually supply the maximal and minimal
scores when the theoretical range of item score is known. Note that if the
observed item range is zero NaN
is returned.
gDiscrim(Data, k = 3, l = 1, u = 3, maxscore, minscore, x, ...)
gDiscrim(Data, k = 3, l = 1, u = 3, maxscore, minscore, x, ...)
Data |
matrix or data.frame of items to be examined. Rows represent respondents, columns represent items. |
k |
numeric: number of groups to which may be |
l |
numeric: lower group. Default value is 1. See Details. |
u |
numeric: upper group. Default value is 3. See Details. |
maxscore |
numeric: maximal score in ordinal items. If missing, vector of obtained maximal scores is imputed. See Details. |
minscore |
numeric: minimal score in ordinal items. If missing, vector of obtained minimal scores is imputed. See Details. |
x |
deprecated. Use argument |
... |
Arguments passed on to
The function computes total test scores for all respondents and then
divides the respondents into k
groups. The lower and upper groups
are determined by l
and u
parameters, i.e., l-th and u-th
group where the ordering is defined by increasing total score.
In ordinal items, difficulty is calculated as difference of average score
divided by range (maximal possible score maxscore
minus minimal
possible score minscore
for given item).
Discrimination is calculated as difference in difficulty between upper and lower group.
is used by DDplot()
Adela Hladka
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy
of Sciences
[email protected]
Lubomir Stepanek
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of
Jana Vorlickova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy
of Sciences
[email protected]
Jan Netik
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of
[email protected]
Martinkova, P., Stepanek, L., Drabinova, A., Houdek, J., Vejrazka, M., & Stuka, C. (2017). Semi-real-time analyses of item characteristics for medical school admission tests. In: Proceedings of the 2017 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. https://doi.org/10.15439/2017F380
# binary dataset dataBin <- dataMedical[, 1:100] # ordinal dataset dataOrd <- dataMedicalgraded[, 1:100] # ULI for the first 5 items of binary dataset # compare to psychometric::discrim(dataBin) gDiscrim(dataBin)[1:5] # generalized ULI using 5 groups, compare 4th and 5th for binary dataset gDiscrim(dataBin, k = 5, l = 4, u = 5)[1:5] # ULI for first 5 items for ordinal dataset gDiscrim(dataOrd)[1:5] # generalized ULI using 5 groups, compare 4th and 5th for binary dataset gDiscrim(dataOrd, k = 5, l = 4, u = 5)[1:5] # maximum (4) and minimum (0) score are same for all items gDiscrim(dataOrd, k = 5, l = 4, u = 5, maxscore = 4, minscore = 0)[1:5]
# binary dataset dataBin <- dataMedical[, 1:100] # ordinal dataset dataOrd <- dataMedicalgraded[, 1:100] # ULI for the first 5 items of binary dataset # compare to psychometric::discrim(dataBin) gDiscrim(dataBin)[1:5] # generalized ULI using 5 groups, compare 4th and 5th for binary dataset gDiscrim(dataBin, k = 5, l = 4, u = 5)[1:5] # ULI for first 5 items for ordinal dataset gDiscrim(dataOrd)[1:5] # generalized ULI using 5 groups, compare 4th and 5th for binary dataset gDiscrim(dataOrd, k = 5, l = 4, u = 5)[1:5] # maximum (4) and minimum (0) score are same for all items gDiscrim(dataOrd, k = 5, l = 4, u = 5, maxscore = 4, minscore = 0)[1:5]
Just a simple accessor to original levels and correct key stored in fitted BLIS model.
object |
object of class BlisClass, model fitted via |
list of the original levels and correct key. Key is stored as an
attribute key
for every individual item.
Other BLIS/BLIRT related:
fit <- fit_blis(HCItest[, 1:20], HCIkey) get_orig_levels(fit)
fit <- fit_blis(HCItest[, 1:20], HCIkey) get_orig_levels(fit)
This function allows to generate Wright map (also called
person-item map) using ggplot()
function from the ggplot2
package. Wright map is used to jointly display histogram of abilities
(or other measured trait) and item difficulty parameters.
Function takes pre-estimated parameter estimates, such as those obtained
from an IRT model.
ggWrightMap( theta, b, binwidth = 0.5, color = "blue", size = 15, item.names, ylab.theta = "Respondent latent trait", ylab.b = "Item difficulty", rel_widths = c(1, 1) )
ggWrightMap( theta, b, binwidth = 0.5, color = "blue", size = 15, item.names, ylab.theta = "Respondent latent trait", ylab.b = "Item difficulty", rel_widths = c(1, 1) )
theta |
numeric: vector of ability estimates. |
b |
numeric: vector of difficulty estimates. |
binwidth |
numeric: the width of the bins of histogram. |
color |
character: color of histogram. |
size |
text size in pts. |
item.names |
names of items to be displayed. |
ylab.theta |
character: description of y-axis for the histogram. |
ylab.b |
character: description of y-axis for the plot of difficulty estimates. |
rel_widths |
numeric: vector of length 2 specifying ratio of "facet's" widths. |
Adela Hladka
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Jan Netik
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Wright, B. & Stone, M. (1979). Best test design. MESA Press: Chicago, IL
library(mirt) # fit Rasch model with the mirt package fit <- mirt(HCI[, 1:20], model = 1, itemtype = "Rasch") # factor scores theta <- as.vector(fscores(fit)) # difficulty estimates using IRT parametrization b <- coef(fit, simplify = TRUE, IRTpars = TRUE)$items[, "b"] # Wright map ggWrightMap(theta, b) # Wright map with modified item names item.names <- paste("Item", 1:20) ggWrightMap(theta, b, item.names = item.names) # Wright map with modified descriptions of y-axis and relative widths of plots ggWrightMap(theta, b, ylab.theta = "Latent trait", ylab.b = "Difficulty estimates", rel_widths = c(2, 1) )
library(mirt) # fit Rasch model with the mirt package fit <- mirt(HCI[, 1:20], model = 1, itemtype = "Rasch") # factor scores theta <- as.vector(fscores(fit)) # difficulty estimates using IRT parametrization b <- coef(fit, simplify = TRUE, IRTpars = TRUE)$items[, "b"] # Wright map ggWrightMap(theta, b) # Wright map with modified item names item.names <- paste("Item", 1:20) ggWrightMap(theta, b, item.names = item.names) # Wright map with modified descriptions of y-axis and relative widths of plots ggWrightMap(theta, b, ylab.theta = "Latent trait", ylab.b = "Difficulty estimates", rel_widths = c(2, 1) )
is a generated dataset based on parameters from Graduate
Management Admission Test (GMAT, Kingston et al., 1985). First two items were
considered to function differently in uniform and non-uniform way respectively. The dataset
represents responses of 2,000 subjects to multiple-choice test of 20 items. A correct answer
is coded as 1 and incorrect answer as 0. The column group
represents group membership,
where 0 indicates reference group and 1 indicates focal group. Groups are the same
size (i.e. 1,000 per group). The distributions of total scores (sum of correct answers) are the
same for both reference and focal group (Martinkova et al., 2017). The column criterion
represents generated continuous variable which is intended to be predicted by test.
data frame consists of 2,000 observations on the following 22 variables:
dichotomously scored items of the test
group membership vector, "0"
reference group, "1"
focal group
continuous critetion intended to be predicted by test
Adela Hladka (nee Drabinova)
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
[email protected]
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Reexport from difNLR
Kingston, N., Leary, L., & Wightman, L. (1985). An exploratory study of the applicability of item response theory methods to the Graduate Management Admission Test. ETS Research Report Series, 1985(2): 1–64.
Martinkova, P., Drabinova, A., Liaw, Y. L., Sanders, E. A., McFarland, J. L., & Price, R. M. (2017). Checking equity: Why differential item functioning analysis should be a routine part of developing conceptual assessments. CBE–Life Sciences Education, 16(2), rm2, doi:10.1187/cbe.16-10-0307.
dataset consists of the dichotomously scored responses of 651
students (405 males, 246 females) to Homeostasis Concept Inventory (HCI)
multiple-choice test. It contains 20 items, vector of gender membership and
identificator whether students plan to major in life sciences.
is a data.frame
consisting of 651 observations on
the 22 variables.
Dichotomously scored items of the HCI test.
Gender membership, "0"
males, "1"
Identificator whether student plans to major in the life sciences.
Total score
Jenny L. McFarland
Biology Department, Edmonds Community College
McFarland, J. L., Price, R. M., Wenderoth, M. P., Martinkova, P., Cliff, W., Michael, J., ... & Wright, A. (2017). Development and validation of the homeostasis concept inventory. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 16(2), ar35. doi:10.1187/cbe.16-10-0305
HCItest for HCI multiple-choice dataset
HCIkey for key of correct answers for HCI
HCIdata for HCI full dataset
HCIlong for HCI in a long format
HCIgrads for HCI dataset of graduate students
HCIprepost for HCI pretest and posttest scores
HCItestretest for HCI test-retest dataset
dataset consists of the responses of 669 students
(405 males, 246 females, 18 without gender specification) to Homeostasis
Concept Inventory (HCI) multiple-choice test. It contains answers to 20
multiple-choice items, scored items, total score, gender membership,
identifier whether students plan to major in science, study year, minority
membership, identifier whether English is the student's first language, and
type of school.
is a data.frame
consisting of 669 observations
on the 47 variables.
Multiple-choice items of the HCI test.
Scored items of the HCI test, "0"
Total test score.
Gender membership, "M"
males, "F"
Identifier whether students plans to major in the life sciences.
Study year.
Minority membership, "maj"
majority, "min"
Black/Hispanic minority, "none"
Identifier whether English is the student's first language.
Course type, "allied"
allied health, "majors"
physiology courses for
science majors, "mixed majors"
courses for non-majors.
Type of school, "AC"
associate's college, "BCAS"
baccalaureate college: arts and sciences focus, "R1"
university, "MCU"
master's college and university.
Jenny L. McFarland
Biology Department, Edmonds Community College
McFarland, J. L., Price, R. M., Wenderoth, M. P., Martinkova, P., Cliff, W., Michael, J., ... & Wright, A. (2017). Development and validation of the homeostasis concept inventory. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 16(2), ar35. doi:10.1187/cbe.16-10-0305
HCI for HCI dichotomous dataset
HCItest for HCI multiple-choice dataset
HCIkey for key of correct answers for HCI
HCIlong for HCI in a long format
HCIgrads for HCI dataset of graduate students
HCIprepost for HCI pretest and posttest scores
HCItestretest for HCI test-retest dataset
dataset consists of the responses of 10 graduate
students to Homeostasis Concept Inventory (HCI) multiple-choice test. It
contains answers to 20 multiple-choice items, scored items, and total test
is a data.frame
consisting of 10 observations
on the 42 variables.
Multiple-choice items of the HCI test.
Scored items of the HCI test, "0"
Total test score.
Jenny L. McFarland
Biology Department, Edmonds Community College
McFarland, J. L., Price, R. M., Wenderoth, M. P., Martinkova, P., Cliff, W., Michael, J., ... & Wright, A. (2017). Development and validation of the homeostasis concept inventory. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 16(2), ar35. doi:10.1187/cbe.16-10-0305
HCI for HCI dichotomous dataset
HCItest for HCI multiple-choice dataset
HCIkey for key of correct answers for HCI
HCIdata for HCI full dataset
HCIlong for HCI in a long format
HCIprepost for HCI pretest and posttest scores
HCItestretest for HCI test-retest dataset
The HCIkey
is a vector of factors representing correct
answers of HCItest
A nominal vector with 20 values representing correct answers to items
of HCItest
dataset. For more details see HCItest()
Jenny L. McFarland
Biology Department, Edmonds Community College
McFarland, J. L., Price, R. M., Wenderoth, M. P., Martinkova, P., Cliff, W., Michael, J., ... & Wright, A. (2017). Development and validation of the homeostasis concept inventory. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 16(2), ar35. doi:10.1187/cbe.16-10-0305
HCI for HCI dichotomous dataset
HCItest for HCI multiple-choice dataset
HCIdata for HCI full dataset
HCIlong for HCI in a long format
HCIgrads for HCI dataset of graduate students
HCIprepost for HCI pretest and posttest scores
HCItestretest for HCI test-retest dataset
dataset consists of the dichotomously scored responses of 651
students (405 males, 246 females) to Homeostasis Concept Inventory (HCI)
multiple-choice test. It contains 20 items (in a long format), vector of
gender membership and identificator whether students plan to major in life
is a data.frame
consisting of 13,020 rows and 5
Row number of the original observation in a wide format.
Name of the item the rating is for.
Response to the item.
Gender membership, "0"
males, "1"
Identificator whether student plans to major in the life sciences.
Total score
Standardized total score (Z-score)
Jenny L. McFarland
Biology Department, Edmonds Community College
McFarland, J. L., Price, R. M., Wenderoth, M. P., Martinkova, P., Cliff, W., Michael, J., ... & Wright, A. (2017). Development and validation of the homeostasis concept inventory. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 16(2), ar35. doi:10.1187/cbe.16-10-0305
HCI for HCI dichotomous dataset (in a wide format)
HCItest for HCI multiple-choice dataset
HCIkey for key of correct answers for HCI
HCIdata for HCI full dataset
HCIgrads for HCI dataset of graduate students
HCIprepost for HCI pretest and posttest scores
HCItestretest for HCI test-retest dataset
dataset consists of the pretest and
posttest score of 16 students to Homeostasis Concept Inventory (HCI).
Between the pre-test and post-test, the students received
instruction on homeostasis within a physiology course.
is a data.frame
consisting of 16
observations on the 2 variables.
Anonymized respondent ID.
Pretest score.
Posttest score.
Jenny L. McFarland
Biology Department, Edmonds Community College
McFarland, J. L., Price, R. M., Wenderoth, M. P., Martinkova, P., Cliff, W., Michael, J., ... & Wright, A. (2017). Development and validation of the homeostasis concept inventory. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 16(2), ar35. doi:10.1187/cbe.16-10-0305
HCI for HCI dichotomous dataset
HCItest for HCI multiple-choice dataset
HCIkey for key of correct answers for HCI
HCIdata for HCI full dataset
HCIlong for HCI in a long format
HCIgrads for HCI dataset of graduate students
HCItestretest for HCI test-retest dataset
dataset consists of the responses of 651
students (405 males, 246 females) to Homeostasis Concept Inventory (HCI)
multiple-choice test. It containts 20 items, vector of gender membership
and identificator whether students plan to major in life sciences.
is a data.frame
consisting of 651 observations
on the 22 variables.
Multiple-choice items of the HCI test.
Gender membership, "0"
males, "1"
Identificator whether student plans to major in the life sciences.
Jenny L. McFarland
Biology Department, Edmonds Community College
McFarland, J. L., Price, R. M., Wenderoth, M. P., Martinkova, P., Cliff, W., Michael, J., ... & Wright, A. (2017). Development and validation of the homeostasis concept inventory. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 16(2), ar35. doi:10.1187/cbe.16-10-0305
HCI for HCI dichotomous dataset
HCIkey for key of correct answers for HCI
HCIdata for HCI full dataset
HCIlong for HCI in a long format
HCIgrads for HCI dataset of graduate students
HCIprepost for HCI pretest and posttest scores
HCItestretest for HCI test-retest dataset
dataset consists of the responses of 45
students to Homeostasis Concept Inventory (HCI). It contains answers to 20
multiple-choice items, scored items, identifier of test/retest, total
score, gender membership and identifier whether students plan to major in
life sciences. The data are organized so that each pair of subsequent rows
belongs to one student. Students took no courses on homeostasis between the
test and retest.
is a data.frame
consisting of 90
observations on the 44 variables.
Multiple-choice items of the HCI test.
Scored items of the HCI test, "0"
Identifier of test vs retest, "test"
retest after.
Total test score.
Gender membership, "M"
male, "F"
Identifier whether student plans to major in the life sciences.
Jenny L. McFarland
Biology Department, Edmonds Community College
McFarland, J. L., Price, R. M., Wenderoth, M. P., Martinkova, P., Cliff, W., Michael, J., ... & Wright, A. (2017). Development and validation of the homeostasis concept inventory. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 16(2), ar35. doi:10.1187/cbe.16-10-0305
HCI for HCI dichotomous dataset
HCItest for HCI multiple-choice dataset
HCIkey for key of correct answers for HCI
HCIdata for HCI full dataset
HCIlong for HCI in a long format
HCIgrads for HCI dataset of graduate students
HCIprepost for HCI pretest and posttest scores
dataset consists of the responses of 4,885 respondents
(1479 males, 3406 females) to a Height Inventory (Rečka, 2018). It contains 26
ordinal items of self-perceived height rated on a scale "1"
strongly disagree,
disagree, "3"
agree, "4"
strongly agree, vector of self-reported
heights (in centimeters), and vector of gender membership. Total score is included
as the last variable, total score is NA for respondents who missed any item.
is a data.frame
consisting of 4,885 observations
on the 28 variables. First 26 variables are responses on scale "1"
strongly disagree, "2"
disagree, "3"
agree, "4"
strongly agree.
Items 14 - 26 were reverse-coded, so that all items are scored in the same
direction. Names of these items start with "R-"
. Original item number
and English wording is provided below.
1. A lot of trousers are too short for me.
2. I am taller than men of my age.
3. I am taller than women of my age.
4. I have an appropriate height for playing basketball or volleyball.
5. Other people sometimes ask me to reach something for them.
6. I am used to hearing comments about how tall I am.
7. At concerts, my stature usually obstructs other people’s views.
8. Ordinary beds are too short for me.
9. I can easily take wares from top shelves at a store.
10. In a crowd of people, I still have a comfortable view.
11. Blankets and bedspreads rarely cover me completely.
12. When I want to hug someone, I usually need to bend over.
13. I must often be careful to avoid bumping my head against a doorjamb or a low ceiling.
14. I am smaller than men of my age. (reversed)
15. I often need a stool to reach something other people could reach without one. (reversed)
16. I could play a dwarf. (reversed)
17. I am smaller than women of my age. (reversed)
18. One of the first things people notice about me is how small I am. (reversed)
19. I often need to stand on the tip of my toes to get a better view. (reversed)
20. When I buy clothes, children’s sizes often fit me well. (reversed)
21. I have enough room for my legs when traveling by bus. (reversed)
22. I often need to walk faster than I’m used to in order to keep pace with taller people. (reversed)
23. Because of my smaller stature, people underestimate my age. (reversed)
24. It would be more comfortable for me if chairs were made lower. (reversed)
25. When talking to other adults, I have to look upwards if I want to meet their eyes. (reversed)
26. Some mirrors are placed so high up that I have to crane my neck to use them. (reversed)
Gender membership, "M"
males, "F"
Self-reported height in centimeters.
Total score.
Thanks to Karel Rečka and Hynek Cígler for sharing this dataset.
Rečka, K. (2018). Height and Weight Inventory. Brno, Masaryk University: Unpublished Master's thesis
Function estimating reliability with intra-class correlation for the complete or for the range-restricted sample.
ICCrestricted( Data, case, var, rank = NULL, dir = "top", sel = 1, nsim = 100, ci = 0.95, seed = NULL )
ICCrestricted( Data, case, var, rank = NULL, dir = "top", sel = 1, nsim = 100, ci = 0.95, seed = NULL )
Data |
case |
character: name of the variable in |
var |
character: name of the variable in |
rank |
numeric: vector of ranks of ratees. If not provided, rank of
ratee is calculated based on average rating based on |
dir |
character: direction of range-restriction, available options are
sel |
numeric: selected number (given > 1) or percentage (given <= 1) of ratees. Default value is 1 (complete dataset). |
nsim |
numeric: number of simulations for bootstrap confidence interval. Default value is 100. |
ci |
numeric: confidence interval. Default value is 0.95. |
seed |
seed for simulations. Default value is |
A data.frame
with the following columns:
n_sel |
number of ratees selected/subsetted. |
prop_sel |
proportion of ratees selected. |
dir |
direction of range-restriction. |
VarID |
variance due to ratee, "true variance", between-group variance. |
VarResid |
residual variance. |
VarTotal |
total variance. |
ICC1 |
single-rater inter-rater reliability. |
lower bound of the confidence
interval for |
upper bound of the confidence
interval for |
ICC3 |
multiple-rater inter-rater reliability. |
lower bound of the confidence interval for
upper bound of the confidence interval for
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Jan Netik
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Erosheva, E., Martinkova, P., & Lee, C. (2021a). When zero may not be zero: A cautionary note on the use of inter-rater reliability in evaluating grant peer review. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series A. Accepted.
Erosheva, E., Martinkova, P., & Lee, C. (2021b). Supplementary material for When zero may not be zero: A cautionary note on the use of inter-rater reliability in evaluating grant peer review.
# ICC for the whole sample ICCrestricted(Data = AIBS, case = "ID", var = "Score", rank = "ScoreRankAdj") # ICC for the range-restricted sample considering 80% of top ratees ICCrestricted( Data = AIBS, case = "ID", var = "Score", rank = "ScoreRankAdj", sel = 0.8 )
# ICC for the whole sample ICCrestricted(Data = AIBS, case = "ID", var = "Score", rank = "ScoreRankAdj") # ICC for the range-restricted sample considering 80% of top ratees ICCrestricted( Data = AIBS, case = "ID", var = "Score", rank = "ScoreRankAdj", sel = 0.8 )
Computes various traditional item analysis indices including difficulty, discrimination and item validity. For ordinal items, the function returns scaled values for some of the indices. See the details below.
ItemAnalysis( Data, minscore = NULL, maxscore = NULL, cutscore = NULL, criterion = NULL, k = NULL, l = NULL, u = NULL, bin = "deprecated" )
ItemAnalysis( Data, minscore = NULL, maxscore = NULL, cutscore = NULL, criterion = NULL, k = NULL, l = NULL, u = NULL, bin = "deprecated" )
Data |
matrix or data.frame of items to be examined. Rows represent respondents, columns represent items. |
minscore , maxscore
integer, theoretical minimal/maximal score. If not provided, these are computed on observed data. Automatically recycled to the number of columns of the data. |
cutscore |
integer If provided, the input data are binarized accordingly. Automatically recycled to the number of columns of the data. |
criterion |
vector of criterion values. |
k , l , u
Arguments passed on to |
bin |
deprecated, use |
For calculation of generalized ULI index, it is possible to specify a custom
number of groups k
, and which two groups l
and u
are to be compared.
In ordinal items, difficulty is calculated as difference of average score
divided by range (maximal possible score maxscore
minus minimal possible
score minscore
If cutscore
is provided, item analysis is conducted on binarized data;
values greater or equal to cut-score are set to 1
, other values are set to
. Both the minscore
and maxscore
arguments are then ingored and set to
0 and 1, respectively.
A data.frame
with following columns:
Difficulty |
average score of the item divided by its range. |
Mean |
average item score. |
SD |
standard deviation of the item score. |
Cut.score |
cut-score specified in |
obs.min |
observed minimal score. |
Min.score |
minimal score specified in |
obs.max |
observed maximal score. |
Max.score |
maximal score specified in |
Prop.max.score |
proportion of maximal scores. |
item-total correlation (correlation between item score and overall test score). |
item-rest correlation (correlation between item score and overall test score without the given item). |
upper-lower index using the standard parameters (3 groups, comparing 1st and 3rd). |
Corr.criterion |
correlation between item score and criterion
gULI |
generalized ULI. |
Alpha.drop |
Cronbach's alpha without given item. |
Index.rel |
Gulliksen's (1950) item reliability index. |
Index.val |
Gulliksen's (1950) item validity index. |
Perc.miss |
Percentage of missed responses on the particular item. |
Perc.nr |
Percentage of respondents that did not reached the item
nor the subsequent ones, see |
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech
Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Jan Netik
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of
[email protected]
Jana Vorlickova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of
Adela Hladka
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of
[email protected]
Martinkova, P., Stepanek, L., Drabinova, A., Houdek, J., Vejrazka, M., & Stuka, C. (2017). Semi-real-time analyses of item characteristics for medical school admission tests. In: Proceedings of the 2017 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. https://doi.org/10.15439/2017F380
Gulliksen, H. (1950). Theory of mental tests. John Wiley & Sons Inc. https://doi.org/10.1037/13240-000
, gDiscrim()
, recode_nr()
## Not run: # binary dataset dataBin <- dataMedical[, 1:100] # ordinal dataset dataOrd <- dataMedicalgraded[, 1:100] # study success is the same for both data sets StudySuccess <- dataMedical[, 102] # item analysis for binary data head(ItemAnalysis(dataBin)) # item analysis for binary data using also study success head(ItemAnalysis(dataBin, criterion = StudySuccess)) # item analysis for binary data head(ItemAnalysis(dataOrd)) # item analysis for binary data using also study success head(ItemAnalysis(dataOrd, criterion = StudySuccess)) # including also item analysis for binarized data head(ItemAnalysis(dataOrd, criterion = StudySuccess, k = 5, l = 4, u = 5, maxscore = 4, minscore = 0, cutscore = 4 )) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # binary dataset dataBin <- dataMedical[, 1:100] # ordinal dataset dataOrd <- dataMedicalgraded[, 1:100] # study success is the same for both data sets StudySuccess <- dataMedical[, 102] # item analysis for binary data head(ItemAnalysis(dataBin)) # item analysis for binary data using also study success head(ItemAnalysis(dataBin, criterion = StudySuccess)) # item analysis for binary data head(ItemAnalysis(dataOrd)) # item analysis for binary data using also study success head(ItemAnalysis(dataOrd, criterion = StudySuccess)) # including also item analysis for binarized data head(ItemAnalysis(dataOrd, criterion = StudySuccess, k = 5, l = 4, u = 5, maxscore = 4, minscore = 0, cutscore = 4 )) ## End(Not run)
is a real longitudinal dataset used in Martinkova et al
(2020) study, demonstrating differential item functioning in change (DIF-C)
on Learning to Learn (LtL) test. Among other variables, it primarily contains
binary-coded responses of 782 subjects to (mostly) multiple-choice test
consisting of 41 items within 7 subscales (see Format for details). Each
respondent was tested twice in total – the first time in Grade 6 and the
second time in Grade 9. Most importantly, school track (variable track_01
or track
) is available, with 391 students attending basic school (BS) and
391 pursuing selective academic school (AS). This dataset was created using
propensity score matching algorithm to achieve similar characteristics in
both tracks (see References for details). To further simplify the work
with LtL
dataset, we provide computed total scores as well as 7 subscores,
both for Grade 6 and Grade 9. The dataset also includes change variables
for each item (see Format for details) for more detailed DIF-C analysis
using multinomial regression model.
A LearningToLearn
data frame consists of 782 observations on the following 141 variables:
Dichotomously scored school track, where "1"
denotes the selective academic school one.
School track, where "AS"
represents the selective academic school track, and "BS"
for basic school track.
Total test score value obtained by summing all 41 items of LtL
, the number denotes
the Grade which the respondent was taking at the time of testing.
Scores of respective cognitive subtest (1–7) of LtL
in Grade 6.
Scores of respective cognitive subtest (1–7) of LtL
in Grade 9.
Dichotomously coded 41 individual items obtained at Grade 6, "1"
the correct answer to the particular item.
Dichotomously coded 41 individual items obtained at Grade 9, "1"
the correct answer to the particular item.
Change patterns with those possible values:
a student responded correctly in neither Grade 6 nor in Grade 9 (did not improve, "00"
a student responded correctly in Grade 6 but not in Grade 9 (deteriorated, "10"
a student did not respond correctly in Grade 6 but responded correctly in Grade 9 (improved, "01"
), and
a student responded correctly in both grades (did not deteriorate, "11"
Martinkova, P., Hladka, A., & Potuznikova, E. (2020). Is academic tracking related to gains in learning competence? Using propensity score matching and differential item change functioning analysis for better understanding of tracking implications. Learning and Instruction, 66, 101286. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2019.101286
dataset consists of the responses of 1,407 subjects
(484 males, 923 females) to admission test to medical school in the Czech republic.
It contains 20 selected items from original test while first item was previously detected
as differently functioning (Vlckova, 2014). A correct answer is coded as 1 and incorrect
answer as 0. The column gender
represents gender of students, where 0 indicates
males (reference group) and 1 indicates females (focal group).
data frame consists of 1,407 observations on the following 21 variables:
dichotomously scored items of the test
gender of respondents, "0"
males, "1"
Adela Hladka (nee Drabinova)
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
[email protected]
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Reexport from difNLR
Drabinova, A. & Martinkova, P. (2017). Detection of differential item functioning with nonlinear regression: A non-IRT approach accounting for guessing. Journal of Educational Measurement, 54(4), 498–517, doi:10.1111/jedm.12158.
Vlckova, K. (2014). Test and item fairness. Master's thesis. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University.
The MSclinical
dataset contains clinical measures on multiple sclerosis patients.
is a data.frame
consisting of 17 observations on
13 variables.
Low-Contrast Letter Acuity test.
Motricity Index.
Modified Ashworth Scale.
Berg Balance Scale.
Postural reactions.
Knee Hyperextension.
Nine-Hole Peg Test.
Timed 25-Foot Walk.
3-minute version of the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test.
Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale.
Rasova, K., Martinkova, P., Vyskotova, J., & Sedova, M. (2012). Assessment set for evaluation of clinical outcomes in multiple sclerosis: Psychometric properties. Patient related outcome measures, 3, 59. doi:10.2147/PROM.S32241
dataset (Erosheva et al., 2020a) was sampled from
a full set of 54,740 R01 applications submitted by black and white
principal investigators (PIs) and reviewed by Center for Scientific
Review (CSR) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) during council
years 2014–2016.
It contains the original random sample of white applicants as generated by Erosheva et al. (2020b) and a sample of 46 black applicants generated to obtain the same ratio of white and black applicants as in the original sample (for details, see Erosheva et al., 2021a). The dataset was used by Erosheva et al. (2021b) to demonstrate issues of inter-rater reliability in case of restricted samples.
The available variables include preliminary criterion scores on Significance, Investigator, Innovation, Approach, Environment and a preliminary Overall Impact Score. Each of these criteria and the overall score is scored on an integer scale from 1 (best) to 9 (worst). Besides the preliminary criteria and Overall Impact Scores, the data include applicant race, the structural covariates (PI ID, application ID, reviewer ID, administering institute, IRG, and SRG), the matching variables – gender, ethnicity (Hispanic/Latino or not), career stage, type of academic degree, institution prestige (as reflected by the NIH funding bin), area of science (as reflected by the IRG handling the application), application type (new or renewal) and status (amended or not) – as well as the final overall score. In addition, the file includes a study group ID variable that refers to the Matched and Random subsets used in the original study.
is a data.frame
consisting of 5802 observations on
27 variables.
Proposal ID.
Preliminary Overall Impact score (1-9 integer scale, 1 best).
Preliminary Criterion Scores (1-9 integer scale, 1 best).
Principal investigator's self-identified race; "White"
or "Black"
Anonymized ID of principal investigator (PI).
PI's gender membership; "Male"
or "Female"
PI's ethnicity; "Hispanic/Latino"
or "Non-Hispanic"
PI's career stage; "ESI"
Early Stage Investigator,
Experienced Investigator, or "Non-ES NI"
Non-Early Stage New Investigator.
PI's degree; "PhD"
, "MD"
, "MD/PhD"
or "Others"
Lead PI's institution's FY 2014 total institution NIH funding; 5 bins with 1 being most-funded.
Group ID.
Reviewer's ID.
IRG (Integrated Research Group) id.
Administering Organization id.
SRG (Scientific Research Group) id.
Application type, "New"
or "Renewal"
Ammend. Logical.
Average of the three overall scores from different reviewers.
Average of the three overall scores from different reviewers, increased by multiple of 0.001 of the worst score.
Project rank calculated based on ScoreAvg
Project rank calculated based on ScoreAvgAdj
Final Overall Impact score (1-9 integer scale, 1 best; "ND"
refers to "not discussed")
Final Overall Impact score (1-9 integer scale, 1 best).
Erosheva, E. A., Grant, S., Chen, M.-C., Lindner, M. D., Nakamura, R. K., & Lee, C. J. (2020a). NIH peer review: Criterion scores completely account for racial disparities in overall impact scores. Science Advances 6(23), eaaz4868, doi:10.1126/sciadv.aaz4868
Erosheva, E. A., Grant, S., Chen, M.-C., Lindner, M. D., Nakamura, R. K., & Lee, C. J. (2020b). Supplementary material: NIH peer review: Criterion scores completely account for racial disparities in overall impact scores. Science Advances 6(23), eaaz4868, doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/4D6RX
Erosheva, E., Martinkova, P., & Lee, C. J. (2021a). Supplementary material: When zero may not be zero: A cautionary note on the use of inter-rater reliability in evaluating grant peer review.
Erosheva, E., Martinkova, P., & Lee, C. J. (2021b). When zero may not be zero: A cautionary note on the use of inter-rater reliability in evaluating grant peer review. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society – Series A. Accepted.
Convert a data.frame
or tibble
with factor variables (items) to integers,
keeping the original factor levels (i.e. response categories) and correct
answers (stored as an key
attribute of each item) alongside.
nominal_to_int(Data, key)
nominal_to_int(Data, key)
Data |
data.frame or tibble with all columns being factors. Support for matrix is limited and behavior not guaranteed. |
key |
A single-column |
Fitting a nominal model using mirt::mirt()
package requires the dataset to
consist only of integers, arbitrarily representing the response categories.
You can convert your dataset to integers on your own in that case.
On the other hand, BLIS model (and thus also the BLIRT parametrization)
further requires the information of correct item response category. On top of
that, the same information is leveraged when fitting a mirt
model that
conserves the "directionality" of estimated latent ability (using a model
definition from obtain_nrm_def()
). In these cases, you are recommended to
use nominal_to_int()
(note that fit_blis()
and blis()
does this
internally). Note also that fitted BLIS model (of class BlisClass) stores
the original levels with correct answer key in its orig_levels
accessible by a user via get_orig_levels()
List of original levels with logical attribute key
, which stores
the information on which response (level) is considered correct. Note
that levels not used in the original data are dropped.
Other BLIS/BLIRT related:
's nominal model taking in account the key
of correct answersStandard mirt
model with itemtype = "nominal"
puts the
identification constrains on the item response category slopes such as
, freely estimating the rest.
While nominal item responses are unordered by definition, it is often the
case that one of the item response categories is correct and the
respondents endorsing this category "naturally" possess a higher latent
ability. Use this function to obtain model definition where the correct
response category for item
possible response
categories translates to constrains
, with
being the first incorrect response
category (i.e. the first distractor).
obtain_nrm_def(data_with_key, ...)
obtain_nrm_def(data_with_key, ...)
data_with_key |
The output of |
... |
arguments passed onto |
A data.frame
with the starting values, parameter numbers,
estimation constrains etc. Pass it as pars
argument of mirt::mirt()
Other BLIS/BLIRT related:
library(mirt) # convert nominal data to integers and the original labels with correct answers data_with_key <- nominal_to_int(HCItest[, 1:20], HCIkey) # build model definition for {mirt} using the returned list from above nrm_def <- obtain_nrm_def(data_with_key) # fit the nominal model using the obtained model definition in `pars` argument fit <- mirt(data_with_key$Data, 1, "nominal", pars = nrm_def)
library(mirt) # convert nominal data to integers and the original labels with correct answers data_with_key <- nominal_to_int(HCItest[, 1:20], HCIkey) # build model definition for {mirt} using the returned list from above nrm_def <- obtain_nrm_def(data_with_key) # fit the nominal model using the obtained model definition in `pars` argument fit <- mirt(data_with_key$Data, 1, "nominal", pars = nrm_def)
Computes and visualizes an item correlation matrix (also known as a heatmap),
offering several correlation "types" and optional clustering (with possible
cluster outlining). The function relies on ggplot2::ggplot()
, providing a
high customisability using "the grammar of graphics" (see the examples
plot_corr( Data, cor = c("polychoric", "tetrachoric", "pearson", "spearman", "none"), clust_method = "none", n_clust = 0L, shape = c("circle", "square"), labels = FALSE, labels_size = 3, line_size = 0.5, line_col = "black", line_alpha = 1, fill = NA, fill_alpha = NA, ... )
plot_corr( Data, cor = c("polychoric", "tetrachoric", "pearson", "spearman", "none"), clust_method = "none", n_clust = 0L, shape = c("circle", "square"), labels = FALSE, labels_size = 3, line_size = 0.5, line_col = "black", line_alpha = 1, fill = NA, fill_alpha = NA, ... )
Data |
cor |
character: correlation "type" used to correlation matrix
computation; available options are |
clust_method |
character: optional clustering method, available options
are: |
n_clust |
integer: the number of clusters you want to be outlined. When
set to zero (the default), no cluster are outlined, but items still do get
sorted according to |
shape |
character: tile appearance; either |
labels |
logical: when |
labels_size |
numeric: label size in points (pts). |
line_size |
numeric: cluster outline width. |
line_col |
character: color of the outline, either a HEX code (e.g.
"#123456"), or one of |
line_alpha |
numeric 0-1: the opacity of the outline. |
fill |
character: the color used to fill the outlined clusters. |
fill_alpha |
numeric 0–1: the opacity of the fill color. |
... |
Arguments passed on to
Correlation heatmap displays selected type of correlations between items. The
color of tiles indicates how much and in which way the items are correlated
– red color means positive correlation and blue color means negative
correlation. Correlation heatmap can be reordered using hierarchical
clustering method specified with clust_method
argument. When the desired
number of clusters (argument n_clust
) is not zero and some clustering is
demanded, the rectangles outlining the found clusters are drawn.
An object of class ggplot
and/or gg
Jan Netik
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
# use first 20 columns from HCI dataset (the remainder are not items) HCI <- HCI[, 1:20] # use Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient for matrix computation plot_corr(HCI, cor = "pearson") ## Not run: # use tetrachoric correlation and reorder the resulting heatmap # using Ward's method HCI |> plot_corr(cor = "tetrachoric", clust_method = "ward.D") # outline 3 Ward's clusters with bold yellow line and add labels HCI |> plot_corr( n_clust = 3, clust_method = "ward.D2", line_col = "yellow", line_size = 1.5, labels = TRUE ) # add title and position the legend below the plot library(ggplot2) HCI |> plot_corr(n_clust = 3) + ggtitle("HCI heatmap") + theme(legend.position = "bottom") # mimic the look of corrplot package plot_corr(HCI, cor = "polychoric", clust_method = "complete", shape = "square") + scale_fill_gradient2( limits = c(-.1, 1), breaks = seq(-.1, 1, length.out = 12), guide = guide_colorbar( barheight = .8, barwidth = .0275, default.unit = "npc", title = NULL, frame.colour = "black", ticks.colour = "black" ) ) + theme(axis.text = element_text(colour = "red", size = 12)) ## End(Not run)
# use first 20 columns from HCI dataset (the remainder are not items) HCI <- HCI[, 1:20] # use Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient for matrix computation plot_corr(HCI, cor = "pearson") ## Not run: # use tetrachoric correlation and reorder the resulting heatmap # using Ward's method HCI |> plot_corr(cor = "tetrachoric", clust_method = "ward.D") # outline 3 Ward's clusters with bold yellow line and add labels HCI |> plot_corr( n_clust = 3, clust_method = "ward.D2", line_col = "yellow", line_size = 1.5, labels = TRUE ) # add title and position the legend below the plot library(ggplot2) HCI |> plot_corr(n_clust = 3) + ggtitle("HCI heatmap") + theme(legend.position = "bottom") # mimic the look of corrplot package plot_corr(HCI, cor = "polychoric", clust_method = "complete", shape = "square") + scale_fill_gradient2( limits = c(-.1, 1), breaks = seq(-.1, 1, length.out = 12), guide = guide_colorbar( barheight = .8, barwidth = .0275, default.unit = "npc", title = NULL, frame.colour = "black", ticks.colour = "black" ) ) + theme(axis.text = element_text(colour = "red", size = 12)) ## End(Not run)
You can call this method to plot an existing object resulting from
function, which behaves as a standard data.frame
but can be automatically recognized and processed with a dedicated plot
method. Also, you can post-hoc disable the Kaiser boundaries shown by
## S3 method for class 'sia_parallel' plot(x, y, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sia_parallel' plot(x, y, ...)
x |
object of class |
y |
ignored |
... |
additional argument:
## Not run: fa_parallel_result <- BFI2[, 1:60] |> fa_parallel(plot = FALSE) # without plot fa_parallel_result |> plot() # generate plot from "fitted" object fa_parallel_result |> plot(show_kaiser = FALSE) # hide Kaiser boundaries ## End(Not run)
## Not run: fa_parallel_result <- BFI2[, 1:60] |> fa_parallel(plot = FALSE) # without plot fa_parallel_result |> plot() # generate plot from "fitted" object fa_parallel_result |> plot(show_kaiser = FALSE) # hide Kaiser boundaries ## End(Not run)
Function for plotting category probabilities function estimated
by vglm()
function from the VGAM
package using the
ggplot2 package.
plotAdjacent(x, matching.name = "matching")
plotAdjacent(x, matching.name = "matching")
x |
object of class |
matching.name |
character: name of matching criterion used for
estimation in |
An object of class ggplot
and/or gg
Tomas Jurica
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Adela Hladka
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
# loading packages library(VGAM) # loading data data(Science, package = "mirt") # total score calculation score <- rowSums(Science) Science[, 1] <- factor(Science[, 1], levels = sort(unique(Science[, 1])), ordered = TRUE) # adjacent category logit model for item 1 fit <- vglm(Science[, 1] ~ score, family = acat(reverse = FALSE, parallel = TRUE)) # coefficients for item 1 coef(fit) plotAdjacent(fit, matching.name = "Total score")
# loading packages library(VGAM) # loading data data(Science, package = "mirt") # total score calculation score <- rowSums(Science) Science[, 1] <- factor(Science[, 1], levels = sort(unique(Science[, 1])), ordered = TRUE) # adjacent category logit model for item 1 fit <- vglm(Science[, 1] ~ score, family = acat(reverse = FALSE, parallel = TRUE)) # coefficients for item 1 coef(fit) plotAdjacent(fit, matching.name = "Total score")
Function for plotting cumulative and category probabilities
function estimated by vglm()
function from the VGAM
using the ggplot2 package.
plotCumulative(x, type = "cumulative", matching.name = "matching")
plotCumulative(x, type = "cumulative", matching.name = "matching")
x |
object of class |
type |
character: type of plot to be displayed. Options are
matching.name |
character: name of matching criterion used for
estimation in |
An object of class ggplot
and/or gg
Tomas Jurica
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy
of Sciences
Adela Hladka
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of
[email protected]
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of
[email protected]
# loading packages library(VGAM) # loading data data(Science, package = "mirt") # total score calculation score <- rowSums(Science) Science[, 1] <- factor(Science[, 1], levels = sort(unique(Science[, 1])), ordered = TRUE) # cumulative logit model for item 1 fit <- vglm(Science[, 1] ~ score, family = cumulative(reverse = TRUE, parallel = TRUE)) # coefficients for item 1 coef(fit) plotCumulative(fit, type = "cumulative", matching.name = "Total score") plotCumulative(fit, type = "category", matching.name = "Total score")
# loading packages library(VGAM) # loading data data(Science, package = "mirt") # total score calculation score <- rowSums(Science) Science[, 1] <- factor(Science[, 1], levels = sort(unique(Science[, 1])), ordered = TRUE) # cumulative logit model for item 1 fit <- vglm(Science[, 1] ~ score, family = cumulative(reverse = TRUE, parallel = TRUE)) # coefficients for item 1 coef(fit) plotCumulative(fit, type = "cumulative", matching.name = "Total score") plotCumulative(fit, type = "category", matching.name = "Total score")
Plots characteristic curve of IRT model.
plotDIFirt( parameters, test = "Lord", item = "all", item.name, same.scale = FALSE )
plotDIFirt( parameters, test = "Lord", item = "all", item.name, same.scale = FALSE )
parameters |
numeric: data matrix or data frame. See Details. |
test |
character: type of statistic to be shown. See Details. |
item |
either character ("all"), or numeric vector, or single number corresponding to column indicators. See Details. |
item.name |
character: the name of item. |
same.scale |
logical: are the item |
This function plots characteristic curve of DIF IRT model.
The parameters
matrix has a number of rows equal to twice the number
of items in the data set. The first J rows refer to the item parameter
estimates in the reference group, while the last J ones correspond to the
same items in the focal group. The number of columns depends on the selected
IRT model: 2 for the 1PL model, 5 for the 2PL model, 6 for the constrained
3PL model and 9 for the unconstrained 3PL model. The columns of
have to follow the same structure as the output of
, difLord()
or difRaju()
command from the
Two possible type of test
statistics can be visualized - "Lord"
gives only characteristic curves, "Raju"
also highlights area between
these curves.
For default option "all"
, all characteristic curves are plotted.
Adela Hladka
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of
[email protected]
, difR::difLord()
# loading libraries library(difR) library(ltm) # loading data based on GMAT2 data(GMAT2, package = "difNLR") # Estimation of 2PL IRT model and Lord's statistic # by difR package fitLord <- difLord(GMAT2, group = 21, focal.name = 1, model = "2PL") # plot of item 1 and Lord's statistic plotDIFirt(fitLord$itemParInit, item = 1) # Estimation of 2PL IRT model and Raju's statistic # by difR package fitRaju <- difRaju(GMAT2, group = 21, focal.name = 1, model = "2PL") # plot of item 1 and Lord's statistic plotDIFirt(fitRaju$itemParInit, test = "Raju", item = 1)
# loading libraries library(difR) library(ltm) # loading data based on GMAT2 data(GMAT2, package = "difNLR") # Estimation of 2PL IRT model and Lord's statistic # by difR package fitLord <- difLord(GMAT2, group = 21, focal.name = 1, model = "2PL") # plot of item 1 and Lord's statistic plotDIFirt(fitLord$itemParInit, item = 1) # Estimation of 2PL IRT model and Raju's statistic # by difR package fitRaju <- difRaju(GMAT2, group = 21, focal.name = 1, model = "2PL") # plot of item 1 and Lord's statistic plotDIFirt(fitRaju$itemParInit, test = "Raju", item = 1)
Plots characteristic curve of 2PL logistic DIF model
plotDIFLogistic(x, item = 1, item.name, group.names = c("Reference", "Focal"), Data, group, match, draw.empirical = TRUE)
plotDIFLogistic(x, item = 1, item.name, group.names = c("Reference", "Focal"), Data, group, match, draw.empirical = TRUE)
x |
an object of |
item |
numeric: number of item to be plotted |
item.name |
character: the name of item to be used as title of plot. |
group.names |
character: names of reference and focal group. |
Data |
numeric: the data matrix. See Details. |
group |
numeric: the vector of group membership. See Details. |
match |
character or numeric: specifies observed score used for
matching. Can be either |
draw.empirical |
logical: whether empirical probabilities should be
calculated and plotted. Default value is |
This function plots characteristic curves of 2PL logistic DIF model
fitted by difLogistic()
function from difR package using ggplot2.
and group
are used to calculate empirical probabilities
for reference and focal group. match
should be the same as in
. In case that an observed score is used as a matching variable
instead of the total score or the standardized score, match
needs to
be a numeric vector of the same the same length as the number of observations
in Data
Adela Hladka
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
, ggplot2::ggplot()
# loading libraries library(difR) # loading data based on GMAT data(GMAT, package = "difNLR") Data <- GMAT[, 1:20] group <- GMAT[, 21] # DIF detection using difLogistic() function x <- difLogistic(Data, group, focal.name = 1) # Characteristic curve by logistic regression model plotDIFLogistic(x, item = 1, Data = Data, group = group) # Using name of column as item identifier plotDIFLogistic(x, item = "Item1", Data = Data, group = group) # Renaming reference and focal group plotDIFLogistic(x, item = 1, group.names = c("Group 1", "Group 2"), Data = Data, group = group) # Not plotting empirical probabilities plotDIFLogistic(x, item = 1, draw.empirical = FALSE)
# loading libraries library(difR) # loading data based on GMAT data(GMAT, package = "difNLR") Data <- GMAT[, 1:20] group <- GMAT[, 21] # DIF detection using difLogistic() function x <- difLogistic(Data, group, focal.name = 1) # Characteristic curve by logistic regression model plotDIFLogistic(x, item = 1, Data = Data, group = group) # Using name of column as item identifier plotDIFLogistic(x, item = "Item1", Data = Data, group = group) # Renaming reference and focal group plotDIFLogistic(x, item = 1, group.names = c("Group 1", "Group 2"), Data = Data, group = group) # Not plotting empirical probabilities plotDIFLogistic(x, item = 1, draw.empirical = FALSE)
Plots graphical representation of item distractor analysis with proportions and optional number of groups.
plotDistractorAnalysis( Data, key, num.groups = 3, item = 1, item.name, multiple.answers = TRUE, criterion = NULL, crit.discrete = FALSE, cut.points, data, matching, match.discrete )
plotDistractorAnalysis( Data, key, num.groups = 3, item = 1, item.name, multiple.answers = TRUE, criterion = NULL, crit.discrete = FALSE, cut.points, data, matching, match.discrete )
Data |
character: data matrix or data.frame with rows representing unscored item response from a multiple-choice test and columns corresponding to the items. |
key |
character: answer key for the items. The |
num.groups |
numeric: number of groups to which are the respondents splitted. |
item |
numeric: the number of the item to be plotted. |
item.name |
character: the name of the item. |
multiple.answers |
logical: should be all combinations plotted (default) or should be answers splitted into distractors. See Details. |
criterion |
numeric: numeric vector. If not provided, total score is calculated and distractor analysis is performed based on it. |
crit.discrete |
logical: is |
cut.points |
numeric: numeric vector specifying cut points of
data |
deprecated. Use argument |
matching |
deprecated. Use argument |
match.discrete |
deprecated. Use argument |
This function is a graphical representation of the
function. In case that no criterion
provided, the scores are calculated using the item Data
. The respondents are by default split into the
-quantiles and the proportions of respondents in each
quantile are displayed with respect to their answers. In case
that criterion
is discrete (crit.discrete = TRUE
is split based on its unique levels. Other cut points
can be specified via cut.points
If multiple.answers = TRUE
(default) all reported combinations
of answers are plotted. If multiple.answers = FALSE
combinations are split into distractors and only these are then
plotted with correct combination.
Adela Hladka
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Data <- dataMedicaltest[, 1:100] DataBin <- dataMedical[, 1:100] key <- dataMedicalkey # distractor plot for items 48, 57 and 32 displaying distractors only # correct answer B does not function well: plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = 48, multiple.answers = FALSE) # all options function well, thus the whole item discriminates well: plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = 57, multiple.answers = FALSE) # functions well, thus the whole item discriminates well: plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = 32, multiple.answers = FALSE) ## Not run: # distractor plot for items 48, 57 and 32 displaying all combinations plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = c(48, 57, 32)) # distractor plot for item 57 with all combinations and 6 groups plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = 57, num.group = 6) # distractor plot for item 57 using specified criterion and key option criterion <- round(rowSums(DataBin), -1) plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = 57, criterion = criterion) # distractor plot for item 57 using specified criterion without key option plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, item = 57, criterion = criterion) # distractor plot for item 57 using discrete criterion plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = 57, criterion = criterion, crit.discrete = TRUE ) # distractor plot for item 57 using groups specified by cut.points plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = 57, cut.points = seq(10, 96, 10)) ## End(Not run)
Data <- dataMedicaltest[, 1:100] DataBin <- dataMedical[, 1:100] key <- dataMedicalkey # distractor plot for items 48, 57 and 32 displaying distractors only # correct answer B does not function well: plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = 48, multiple.answers = FALSE) # all options function well, thus the whole item discriminates well: plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = 57, multiple.answers = FALSE) # functions well, thus the whole item discriminates well: plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = 32, multiple.answers = FALSE) ## Not run: # distractor plot for items 48, 57 and 32 displaying all combinations plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = c(48, 57, 32)) # distractor plot for item 57 with all combinations and 6 groups plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = 57, num.group = 6) # distractor plot for item 57 using specified criterion and key option criterion <- round(rowSums(DataBin), -1) plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = 57, criterion = criterion) # distractor plot for item 57 using specified criterion without key option plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, item = 57, criterion = criterion) # distractor plot for item 57 using discrete criterion plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = 57, criterion = criterion, crit.discrete = TRUE ) # distractor plot for item 57 using groups specified by cut.points plotDistractorAnalysis(Data, key, item = 57, cut.points = seq(10, 96, 10)) ## End(Not run)
Plots category probabilities functions estimated by
from the nnet
package using the ggplot2
plotMultinomial(x, matching, matching.name = "matching")
plotMultinomial(x, matching, matching.name = "matching")
x |
object of class |
matching |
numeric: vector of matching criterion used for estimation in
matching.name |
character: name of matching criterion used for
estimation in |
An object of class ggplot
and/or gg
Adela Hladka
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Tomas Jurica
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
# loading data data(GMAT, GMATtest, GMATkey, package = "difNLR") matching <- scale(rowSums(GMAT[, 1:20])) # Z-score # multinomial model for item 1 fit <- nnet::multinom(relevel(GMATtest[, 1], ref = paste(GMATkey[1])) ~ matching) # plotting category probabilities plotMultinomial(fit, matching, matching.name = "Z-score")
# loading data data(GMAT, GMATtest, GMATkey, package = "difNLR") matching <- scale(rowSums(GMAT[, 1:20])) # Z-score # multinomial model for item 1 fit <- nnet::multinom(relevel(GMATtest[, 1], ref = paste(GMATkey[1])) ~ matching) # plotting category probabilities plotMultinomial(fit, matching, matching.name = "Z-score")
Print method for BLIS coefficients
## S3 method for class 'blis_coefs' print(x, digits = 3, ...)
## S3 method for class 'blis_coefs' print(x, digits = 3, ...)
x |
result of |
digits |
integer, number of digits to show in the output. Note that printed object are still an original list, which does not round any value (it is returned invisibly). |
... |
Additional arguments passed on to |
Other BLIS/BLIRT related:
function recognizes and recodes not-reached
responses, i.e., missing responses to items such that all subsequent
items are missed as well by the respondent.
recode_nr(Data, nr_code = 99, df)
recode_nr(Data, nr_code = 99, df)
Data |
matrix or data.frame: object to be recoded, must include only items columns and no additional information |
nr_code |
single character, integer or numeric: specifying how should be
recognized not-reached responses coded (default is |
df |
deprecated. Use argument |
A data.frame
Jan Netik
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
HCImissed <- HCI[, 1:20] # simulate skipped (missed) and not-reached items in HCI dataset set.seed(4211) for (i in 1:150) { # not-reached (minimum at 10th item, maximum at 20th) HCImissed[sample(1:nrow(HCImissed), 1), seq(sample(10:20, 1), 20)] <- NA # missed with random location HCImissed[sample(1:nrow(HCImissed), 1), sample(1:20, 1)] <- NA } summary(HCImissed) HCImissedNR <- recode_nr(HCImissed, nr_code = 99) head(HCImissedNR) summary(HCImissedNR)
HCImissed <- HCI[, 1:20] # simulate skipped (missed) and not-reached items in HCI dataset set.seed(4211) for (i in 1:150) { # not-reached (minimum at 10th item, maximum at 20th) HCImissed[sample(1:nrow(HCImissed), 1), seq(sample(10:20, 1), 20)] <- NA # missed with random location HCImissed[sample(1:nrow(HCImissed), 1), sample(1:20, 1)] <- NA } summary(HCImissed) HCImissedNR <- recode_nr(HCImissed, nr_code = 99) head(HCImissedNR) summary(HCImissedNR)
The package and interactive {shiny}
app consult several options that you
can easily set via options()
. Moreover, there is some behavior that can be
changed through environment variables.
Options are set with options(<option> = <value>)
: You can completely disable SIA modules by setting
this to TRUE
: This is the URL for a CRAN-like repository that the app
uses to retrieve information about available module packages.
: If set to TRUE
(the default), calling run_app()
will check for the available SIA modules on the official repository and offer
to install those module packages that are not installed yet.
You can set this variable system-wide or use R
or project-wise .Renviron
file. For more details, please navigate to the R documentation.
: Setting this to TRUE
provides a verbose description
of SIA modules-related processes. Useful only for debugging purposes.
: When the app is running on
shiny-server, interactive module installation within the app is not allowed
by default. Setting this variable to TRUE
will override this restriction
and enable module installation in the app.
An interactive shiny application to run test and item analysis. By default,
the function runs the application as a background process ("Jobs" tab in the
"RStudio" IDE). User is then free to use the R
Console for other work
and to try the sample R code examples. You can still run the app the usual
way in the console by specifying background = FALSE
startShinyItemAnalysis(background = TRUE, ...) run_app(background = TRUE, ...)
startShinyItemAnalysis(background = TRUE, ...) run_app(background = TRUE, ...)
background |
logical, should the application be run as a background process (in the 'RStudio')? |
... |
Arguments passed on to
No return value. Called for side effects.
Patricia Martinkova
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Adela Hladka
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
Jan Netik
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
[email protected]
## Not run: startShinyItemAnalysis() startShinyItemAnalysis(background = FALSE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: startShinyItemAnalysis() startShinyItemAnalysis(background = FALSE) ## End(Not run)
The TestAnxietyCor
dataset contains between-item correlations for 20 items
of the Test Anxiety dataset.
is a data.frame
consisting of between-item
correlations for 20 items.
Lack of confidence during tests.
Uneasy, upset feeling.
Thinking about grades.
Freeze up.
Thinking about getting through school.
The harder I work, the more confused I get.
Thoughts interfere with concentration.
Jittery when taking tests.
Even when prepared, get nervous.
Uneasy before getting the test back.
Tense during test.
Exams bother me.
Tense/ stomach upset.
Defeat myself during tests.
Panicky during tests.
Worry before important tests.
Think about failing.
Heart beating fast during tests.
Can’t stop worrying.
Nervous during test, forget facts.
Bartholomew, D. J., Steele, F., & Moustaki, I. (2008). Analysis of multivariate social science data. CRC press.
graphicsThis complete theme is based on theme_bw
and it was modified for purposes
of ShinyItemAnalysis
theme_app(base_size = 15, base_family = "")
theme_app(base_size = 15, base_family = "")
base_size |
base font size |
base_family |
base font family |
library(ggplot2) data(GMAT, package = "difNLR") data <- GMAT[, 1:20] # total score calculation df <- data.frame(score = apply(data, 1, sum)) # histogram g <- ggplot(df, aes(score)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 1) + xlab("Total score") + ylab("Number of respondents") g g + theme_app()
library(ggplot2) data(GMAT, package = "difNLR") data <- GMAT[, 1:20] # total score calculation df <- data.frame(score = apply(data, 1, sum)) # histogram g <- ggplot(df, aes(score)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 1) + xlab("Total score") + ylab("Number of respondents") g g + theme_app()